Thursday, September 3, 2009

Genesis: Fred Smilek Story

FIRST AND FORMOST I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO MY NEW AND IMPOROVED BLOG SITE! (i think i feel like i am finally getting the hang of this now lol) With modern technology it is now possible to reach millions of people world wide and that is my goal, so first and formost thank you for any support that is shared. This blog will be used to share updates and projects that your either in the works or mind of the Fred Smilek Endanger Species squad and what our efforts are to raise awareness toward this cause. Lets keep this site clean and on topic, but i also appreciate any support provided. again............Thank You

Fred Smilek

Welcome and thank you for visiting Fred Smilek’s home page on the World Wide Web. Fred Smilek is a student in his senior year living in the beautiful Section of Eugene, Oregon. Right now he is the president and founder of the Society to Save Endangered Species. The society to save endangered species is working diligently to conserve many wonderful species that are on the brink of extinction.

A work in progress”

The Society to Save Endangered Species began as a small group with only five students but with the support of the community is has grown to almost fifteen members. The society was started by Fred Smilek out of his garage two years ago. So far this year they have done a remarkable job in raising money to benefit endangered species. In the two years since the society was formulated they have been able to raise nearly $25,000.

History of Endangered Species”

Fred Smilek is working closely with other organizations such as the WWF ( World Wildlife Fund) in order to give rare species of animals, now bordering on the brink of extinction a fighting chance at survival. Saving endangered species became a priority for our country following the creation of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. It is generally considered to be one of the most far reaching acts ever created by a nation to aid in the protection of endangered species.

Criteria of Endangered Species”

There are four criteria that must be evaluated before a species is deemed endangered. First is the present or threatened destruction or modification of habitat or range. Second is over utilization of habitat for commercial or educational purposes. Thirdly is disease of predation. Fourthly are other natural or manmade factors affecting the species survival. More information regarding the Endangered Species Act can be found right here.

Towards the Future”

Fred Smilek along with his dedicated team is making strides each and every day towards their ultimate goal which is the protection of endangered species. Fred Smilek is actively recruiting anyone with a strong interest and desire to preserve and protect some of the rarest species on the planet. With your help we can really make a difference which will affect not only our generation but many generations to come. I would like to take the time to thank you for visiting Fred Smilek’s page and remember everyone can make a difference.


  1. Hello Mr. Fred Smilek,
    Nice to meet you. Interesting story that you are putting together. Please do continue to keep us posted.

  2. Hello, thank you very much for the support. I promise to keep everyone update. We need all the support that we can get for this cause!!!! :-)

  3. Fred-I'm so glad there are people like you in the world who take a stand for abused animals. I get so frustrated with with poachers and companies that attack the habitats of endangered species. I hope for the best for you and the Society to Save Endangered Species. Are there any other movers/shakers you're involved with in this plight?

  4. Fred,

    I really like your story. I would like to get some more information about the Fred Smilek Endanger Species squad and see if I could some how be a part of it.

  5. Kevin- are you actively involved with Fred's foundation?

  6. PPscual-

    just an fyi, I met Fred in Oregon once. And I'm guessing from his facebook/myspace pages he lives there. Are you in Oregon/US? Have you done any Enviro. work?

  7. I have followed some of his stories and we have communicated here and there on some different environmental projects but we tend to go down different roads sometimes. I prefer more of the ocean dwelling endangered species so I try to stay more in that area

  8. I do live in the Eugene, Oregon area, no I have never done any environment work but I have always wanted to... Do you know how I could get involved with Fred's squad

  9. Nice. He has an e-mail listed on his site and on some of his profiles so shoot him an message. He's always looking for people to help out and get involved in any way. Are you in business/have a particular skillset you could use?

  10. No, I just graduated college and really want to do some good in the world... I have always loved animals and protecting them would truly be rewarding

  11. thats good to hear. Just be sure to let him know what you like doing and what you might be good at and he'll be able to place you in some good outlets for helping endangered species.

  12. Kevin, thank you very much you have been a great help. I will write to Fred and tell him about myself. Thanks again for you help.
